For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.                   For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs !

Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Allergic Reactions !


*What is an Allergic Reaction (most of the times called Allergy) ?

Allergy testing is performed when you assume that your immune system overreacts to certain substances (allergens). If you have an allergic reaction to a substance, it is called  allergy. Allergic reactions can range from annoying congestion to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.


What are the substances that can induce allergic reactions :

People can be allergic to some Drugs like : Antibiotics or Analgesics,

Food like Milk, Wheat, Vegetables & Fruits or Dry fruits like peanuts, walnuts etc.

Some people have allergic reactions to Environmental substances or Inhalants like a fragrance, perfumes, smoke, pollen,

mold dust and pet dander. Some people are allergic to latex and many more things.


When I should go for an Allergy Test :

You may need an allergy test if you have allergic symptoms that bother you. There are multiple indications for allergy testing.

The most common causes are suspected Drug allergy, suspected Food allergy, suspected Environmental allergy, Seasonal Rhinitis,

Rhino-conjunctivitis, Watery eyes, Nasal congestion, Sneezing or runny nose, Wheezing,  Chronic cough ,Sore throat, Breathing difficulty,

Swelling over face, lips or tongue, Skin rashes, Burning sensation on skin, Generalized itching, GI symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain

or cramps, vomiting or diarrhoea, persistent Asthma or a sharp drop in blood pressure that may bring an anaphylactic shock, which sometimes becomes difficult to handle. The test can help identify allergy triggers for a better medical management.


What allergens are tested in an allergy test?

Allergy tests measure your body’s response to specific allergy triggers called allergens.

All three types of Allergens i.e.- Food Allergens, Drug Allergens and Environmental Allergens are included in the test.

When your immune system reacts to an Allergan, It produces antibodies (proteins) called immunoglobulin (IgE).

In addition to all major allergens, Total Serum IgE level is also included in the test.

These antibodies trigger the release of chemicals that cause an allergic reaction.


How I need to prepare myself for an allergy test?

No special preparation is required for Allergy Test. You need to stop taking any allergy medications three days before an allergy test.

These medicines can interfere with test results by stopping your immune system’s response to allergens.

You may continue to take your asthma medication if you are taking it on regular basis.


* Why Yuvraj Path Labs is the Best fit for an Allergy Test :

We are an ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Healthcare Service provider in Amritsar.

Our phlebotomist / technicians are highly trained and always ready to fulfil your Pathology Requirements.

It is our mission to make quality healthcare services available to every individual.

We understand how necessary a health test can be in the case of a serious illness and

how important it is, in case of preventive health care to detect a disease at the earlier stages, to find a cure.


Just make a call at our pathology lab, fix a time of your convenience for Blood withdrawal and

get all your required blood tests performed in the comfort of your own home or office.

The tests are carried over by highly qualified professionals performing their jobs with

Complete accuracy on next-level medical technology in the lab.

Online reports are generated almost the same day, reducing the overall Turnaround Time.


To Book an appointment for Home Blood Sample Collection,

either for preventive Full Body Checkup or for a specific test for a disease or

as prescribed by your Doctor Just make a Call at : 9988007576, 9988357500.


Yuvraj path labs is always there at your Service.

You just need to dial a number to avail Best Pathology Lab Services in the Holy city of Amritsar.

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