For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.                   For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Food Allergy Test in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information about Pathology / Medical Labs !   * What is a Pathology Lab : A Pathology Laboratory is a medical laboratory where clinical tests are carried out on specimens like Blood, Urine or other Body fluids, to obtain information about patient’s disease to help the […]

Food Allergy Test in Amritsar

Food Allergy Test in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Allergic Reactions !   *What is an Allergic Reaction (most of the times called Allergy) ? Allergy testing is performed when you assume that your immune system overreacts to certain substances (allergens). If you have an allergic reaction to […]

Hormones Testing

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Hormonal Analysis ! * What are the Hormones : Hormones are chemicals that coordinate different functions in your body by carrying messages through your blood to your organs and other tissues. These signals tell your body what to […]

Pregnancy Test in Amritsar

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Urinary Pregnancy Test – UPT !   * What is UPT or Urine Pregnancy Test : It is a easy, quick, appropriate and inexpensive urine test that helps diagnose and monitor pregnancy. It looks for the presence […]

Semen Test in Amritsar

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Semen Analysis !   * What is a Semen Analysis Test : A semen analysis, also called sperm count test, measures the quantity and quality of semen and sperms. Semen is the thick, white fluid released from […]

Drug Test in Amritsar

Home Blood Sample Collection in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Drug Abuse Test !   * Why Drug Abuse Test is Done : The purpose of a drug test is to investigate for drug use or misuse. The test looks for signs of one or more illegal drugs […]

Hepatitis Test

Home Blood Sample Collection in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Hepatitis Testing !   * What is Hepatitis : Hepatitis is a general term used to describe inflammation of the liver. One can spread the virus even though he/she show no symptoms. There are several types of hepatitis, […]

Hiv Test in Amritsar

Home Blood Sample Collection in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Hiv Testing !   * What is a Hiv Test : HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus weakens a person’s immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. If HIV is not […]

Thyroid Test

Home Blood Sample Collection in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Thyroid Function Test !   * What is a Thyroid Function Test : Thyroid  is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that sits just above your sternum. This gland is responsible for producing Hormones that control several […]

Home Blood Sample Collection

Home Blood Sample Collection in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information that most people wish to know about Home Blood Sample Collection !   Home sample collection or Mobile phlebotomy is the facility of giving Blood samples At a place of your convenience, instead of physically visiting a pathology lab.   Mobile phlebotomy is a valuable […]