For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.                   For Home Blood Sample Collection Call At - 9988007576.                   ਘਰ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੱਡ ਸੈਂਪਲ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ - 9988357500 ਤੇ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ |                   घर से ब्लड सैंपल लेने के लिए - 9988357400 पर कॉल करें |                   For Any Other Queries You May Call At - 9988359700.

Preventive Health care | Semen Testing Clinical Lab in Amritsar

Semen Test in Amritsar

Preventive Health care | Semen Testing Clinical Lab in Amritsar is a prominent name when someone searches for the clinical lab near me, Pathology lab near me, Diagnostic Centre near me, Blood testing near me. Screening is a way of finding diseases in people who do not yet have any signs of the illness being […]

What can be done to Improve Health?

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

What can be done to Improve Health? Many people have similar questions about how they can recover their health. Doctors or technically, there is no adapted reply. The reply seems more conceited but if we recognize how the blood looks under a microscope, there is no further way to recognize what you should do to […]

Common Food Allergens and How to Avoid Them

Food Allergy Test in Amritsar

Description of Mobile Alcohol, Mobile Drugs Testing – Drug Testing Centre in Amritsar Unlike popular belief, food allergies are much more common. Given that the prevalence of these conditions is increasing, this is particularly true if you are not aware of the new data. The prevalence of food allergies among children increased from 3.4% in […]

Swine flu influenza

Influenza swine flu

Swine-Flu-Influenza What is swineflu? Signs and symptom show doesswinefluspread? howcansomeonewiththefluinfectsomeoneelse? whatshouldidotokeepfromgettingtheflu?safetyprecautionstravelhealthwhatcanidotoprotectmyselffromgettingsick?isitsafeifieatpork?thereareeverydayactionspeoplecantaketostayhealthy.What is the best way to keep from spreading the virus through coughingorsneezing?

Antigen antibody reactions

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Antigen-Antibody Reactions Ability of an individual Ab combining site to react with more than one antigenic determinant or the ability of a population of Ab molecules to react with more than one Ag Cross reacting Ag shares an epitope in common with the immunizing antigen or an epitope is structurally similar to one on the […]

Basics of Hematology

Full Body Checkup in Amritsar

Basics of Hematology Blood cell morphology Diagnostic use Histogram analysis Research parameters

Malaria Dengue

Liver Profile Test in Amritsar

Malaria Dengue Label pre-cleaned slides (preferably frosted-end) with patient’s name (or other identifier), date and time of collection. Wear gloves. Clean slides with 70 to 90% alcohol and allow to dry. Do not touch the surface of the slide where the blood smear will be made. Select the finger to puncture, usually the middle or […]

Best Pathology Lab in Amritsar

Food Allergy Test in Amritsar

Welcome to Yuvraj path labs ! Here is a brief information about Pathology / Medical Labs !   * What is a Pathology Lab : A Pathology Laboratory is a medical laboratory where clinical tests are carried out on specimens like Blood, Urine or other Body fluids, to obtain information about patient’s disease to help the […]